Adam Vincent Gilmer is the Founder and Chief Executive Officer of THrīV, Inc. Adam is known around the world as the “Chief Life Saver” and the person behind the idea of THrīV 1-4-1, which is turning into a global movement feeding infants, children, adults and seniors.
Adam was born in Johannesburg, South Africa and immigrated to the United States with his mother, father and 2 brothers. He is now a father, a successful entrepreneur and business man.
Personal letter from Adam:
How I found my Purpose. Larger then life Benefits.
Many years ago, I found out that I had been listening to great thinkers like Earl Nightingale (live on the radio when he was still around) while I was still only in the womb and as a young child. I am grateful to God for the many blessings and favor I have had over the years, “We can all find a way to do better and be grateful for what we have”. There were always two special people that were always there helping me, watching me as my skills developed over time. These two friends of mine took enough interest in my ability to qualify me for the secret of a “Living Purpose”. He is the kind of man who would not accept the mediocre lifestyle and wanted to provide more for his family. She always left clues around for me to pick up on and the strange thing is…I did. If you have not figured it out yet, the first person is my mother Phyllis Gilmer who nurtured me in the power of Learning and was always there to support me . The second is my father Les Gilmer who allowed me to understand the power of Choice as a young man and pushed me restlessly sometimes far too much. I am also grateful to my brothers Bond Gilmer and Connor Gilmer who are both masters in their own business and great fathers.
One of my fondest moments in life was becoming a father to my son Adam James Gilmer whom I am wildly in love with and also my life partner and very significant other and wife Jessica Maria Gilmer. The love and support that comes from family is as important as air and richer than the rarest of jewels the finest gold and other precious metals. All of which for me make a man invincible and unstoppable.
There have been many other mentors and business partners who shaped and helped direct my thinking and helped me with the process, many of which are from timeless must read books or just exist as pillars and gifts to help guide me. This is my unique way of thanking all of them for their concepts, ideas and most importantly their encouragement, to move towards taking daily action, and for their help along the way. A special thanks to people like: Anthony Robbins, Bob Proctor, Brian Tracy, Dennis Waitley, Ken Roberts, Les Brown, Mark Victor Hansen, Og Mandino, Robert Allen, Richard Koch, Jim Rohn, W. Clement Stone and Napoleon Hill to name a few, all great speakers and authors. Read and collect all of their works and share them with others. They all have deep seeded faith and believe in the power becoming more and doing better, a new level of living if you will, they all practice the 8020365 principle and understand the value of high payoff activity. As a group, if asked, they would tell you they are “On Purpose” doing what they love to do. “This is how I feel and want you to feel as a concious living being”.
Business much like your life requires decisions. Highly successful people focus their time on important, Vital, critical items and they understand the 8020365 principal. If you had a way to focus your time and energy on the things you really wanted in life, moving closer to your objectives and your purpose – where would you be today? Would your life be in a better place? How many of you think that you have been doing this so far? Please do not the mistake of thinking, I have not made mistakes and errors on my life path, I have, this is how we learn to play at this game. I have been off-course many times. You have to play the life game and fail over and over again every day to learn what not to do and conversely what to do and stay focused on. We can all get up on the horse again after we have fallen off. Everyone can do it, even you. Yes, you can!
I would ask and invite you to use THrīV products on a daily basis like my family does and remember, “Each person can make a difference, if given the opportunity to do so”. This is your opportunity to participate and become involved in the saving of a life and the giving of a life. When you take care of yourself by purchasing and using THrīV, you have made the commitment to provide nutrition to someone in need, someone you have never met. Stay in touch with us on our Twitter, Facebook and other social media pages.
I want to encourage you to take a leap of faith and believe you can and move your life forward and the lives of others around the world. I challenge you to participate and become the difference that makes our world a better place. We will have so much to talk about and many more lives to save and provide for!
I look forward to hearing from you.
Adam Vincent Gilmer